
Snow zone in Switzerland (SIA)

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Snow zone and loads map and effect of altitude in Switzerland
SIA Snow loads map and effect of altitude to consider

Snow zone map in Switzerland

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In Switzerland, snow regions vary from snow zone - 200m (lowest) to snow zone + 500m (highest).

These zones indicate the variation to be applied to the altitude of the construction according to the place of construction to obtain the reference altitude taken into account in the load calculation.

Zone effect SN 261:2020 §5.2. (Annex D)
Snow zones -200m +0m +200m +400m +500m
Reference Elevation (Aref) of a building at an altitude below 2000 m Ar- 200m Ar Ar+ 200m Ar+ 400m Ar+ 500m

with Ar = Real Elevation of the construction site

Altitude effect
Formula Minimum extract for a snow zone -200m


The building is located in snow zone -200 m at an altitude of 1563 m.
Snow standard
The standard applicable for snow load calculation on this building is SIA 261:2020 §5 (08/2020) and its national annex Annexe D (08/2020).
Characteristic snow load on the ground
The values of surfacic loads ​​of snow on the ground sk,0, corresponding to lower altitudes, are specified by the normes.
This one provides a country map divided into climatic zones.
For the zone -200 m, the specified value of the load is : sk,0 =  0.400 kN/m2.
Characteristic snow load on the ground of the site
The reference Elevation of the construction site Aref,1563 m incorporates the influence of the zone here equal to 1363 m
The load sk, 1563 m incorporates the influence of altitude here equal to  6.066 kN/m2 :
(SIA 261:SN-505261 §5.2.6(10))

Normal snow load on the ground of the site
The SIA standards does not give the elements for adjusting the snow load on the ground with the return period.
So we will just have: 6.466 kN/m²
Accidental snow load on the ground of the site
Exceptional snow loads are not applicable in Switzerland.
(SIA 261:SN-505261)
Linear distributed load at roof edge
A cornice must be taken into account when dimensioning cantilevered roof elements for buildings above 800m.
The load of the cornice is accepted as a linear load distributed at the edge of the roof.
(SIA 261:SN-505261 §5.3.7)

  • Roof shape coefficients, depending on the roof pitch angle
    Roof slope = 30 °, μi = 0.8
  • Exposure factor
    Ce = Exposition au vent normale = 1
  • Thermal coefficient
    CT = 1
Equivalent snow depth on the ground of the site
For checkings at serviceability limit states:
  • fresh snow depth = 646 cm,
  • settled snow depth = 323 cm,
  • old snow depth = 184 cm,
  • wet snow depth = 161 cm,
  • artificial snow depth = 129 cm.
  • with: snow depth =
For checkings at ultimate limit states:
  • fresh snow depth = 969 cm,
  • settled snow depth = 484 cm,
  • old snow depth = 277 cm,
  • wet snow depth = 242 cm,
  • artificial snow depth = 193 cm.
  • with: snow depth =
with : (SIA 261:SN-505261 §5.4.2)
  • fresh snow density = 1 kN/m3,
  • settled snow density = 2 kN/m3,
  • old snow density = 3.5 kN/m3,
  • wet snow density = 4 kN/m3
  • artificial snow density = 5 kN/m3
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