
Eurocode Imposed loads - EN1991-1-1 tables by usage

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Additional provisions for buildings according to EN1991-1-1 3.3.2

  1. On roofs (particularly for category H roofs), imposed loads, need not be applied in combination with either snow loads and/or wind actions.
  2. When the imposed load is considered as an accompanying action, in accordance with EN 1990, only one of the two factors Ψ (EN 1990, Table A1.1) and αn ( (11)) shall be applied.
  3. For dynamic loads caused by machinery see EN 1991-3.
  4. The imposed loads to be considered for serviceability limit state verifications should be specified in accordance with the service conditions and the requirements concerning the performance of the structure.

Densities of construction and stored materials

See tables in Annex A

Imposed loads on buildings

Imposed loads on buildings are those arising from occupancy. Values given in this Section, include:
  • normal use by persons;
  • furniture and moveable objects (e.g. moveable partitions, storage, the contents of containers);
  • vehicles;
  • anticipating rare events, such as concentrations of persons or of furniture, or the moving or stacking of objects which may occur during reorganization or redecoration.
Heavy equipment (e.g. in communal kitchens, radiology rooms, boiler rooms etc) are not included in the loads given in this Section. Loads for heavy equipment should be agreed between the client and/or the relevant Authority.

EN1991-1-1 Table 6.1 - Categories of use
Category Specific Use Example
A Areas for domestic and residential activities Rooms in residential buildings and houses; bedrooms and wards in hospitals; bedrooms in hotels and hostels kitchens and toilets.
B Office areas  
C Areas where people may congregate (with the exception of areas defined under category A, B, and D1)) C1: Areas with tables, etc. e.g. areas in schools, cafés, restaurants, dining halls, reading rooms, receptions.
C2: Areas with fixed seats, e.g. areas in churches, theatres or cinemas, conference rooms, lecture halls, assembly halls, waiting rooms, railway waiting rooms.
C3: Areas without obstacles for moving people, e.g. areas in museums, exhibition rooms, etc. and access areas in public and administration buildings, hotels, hospitals, railway station forecourts.
C4: Areas with possible physical activities, e.g. dance halls, gymnastic rooms, stages.
C5: Areas susceptible to large crowds, e.g. in buildings for public events like concert halls, sports halls including stands, terraces and access areas and railway platforms.
D Shopping areas D1: Areas in general retail shops
D2: Areas in department stores
1) Attention is drawn to, in particular for C4 and C5. See EN 1990 when dynamic effects need to be considered. For Category E, see Table 6.3

NOTE 1 Depending on their anticipated uses, areas likely to be categorised as C2, C3, C4 may be categorised as C5 by decision of the client and/or National annex.

NOTE 2 The National annex may provide sub categories to A, B, C1 to C5, Dl and D2

NOTE 3 See 6.3.2 for storage or industrial activity

EN1991-1-1 Table 6.2 - Imposed loads on floors, balconies and stairs in buildings
Country Envelopes France Belgium United Kingdom
Categories of loaded areas qk [kN/m2] Qk [kN] qk [kN/m2] Qk [kN] qk [kN/m2] Qk [kN] qk [kN/m2] Qk [kN]
Category A                
- Floors 1,5 to 2,0 2,0 to 3,0 1,5 2,0 2,0 2,0 1,5 to 2,0 2,0 to 2,7
- Stairs 2,0 to 4,0 2,0 to 4,0 2,5 2,0 3,0 2,0 2,0 to 4,0 2,0 to 2,7
- Balconies 2,5 to 4,0 2,0 to 3,0 3,5 2,0 4,0 2,0 2,5 to 4,0 2,0
Category B 2,0 to 3,0 1,5 to 4,5 2,5 4,0 3,0 3,0 2,5 to 3,0 2,7
Category C                
-C1 2,0 to 3,0 3,0 to 4,0 2,5 3,0 3.0 4,0 2,0 to 3,0 3,0 to 4,0
-C2 3,0 to 4,0 2,5 to 7,0 (4,0) 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 3,0 to 4,0 2,7 to 3,6
-C3 3,0 to 5,0 4,0 to 7,0 4,0 4,0 5,0 4,0 3,0 to 7,5 2,0 to 4,5
-C4 4,5 to 5,0 3,5 to 7,0 5,0 7,0 5,0 7,0 5,0 3,6 to 7,0
-C5 5,0 to 7,5 3,5 to 4,5 5,0 4,5 5,0 4,5 5,0 to 7,5 3,6 to 4,5
Category D                
-D1 4,0 to 5,0 3,5 to 7,0 (4,0) 5,0 5,0 5,0 4,0 4,0 3,6
-D2 4,0 to 5,0 3,5 to 7,0 5,0 7,0 5,0 7,0 4,0 3,6

EN1991-1-1 Table 6.9 - Categorization of roofs
Categories of loaded area Specific Use
H Roofs not accessible except for normal maintenance and repair.
I Roofs accessible with occupancy according to categories A to G
K Roofs accessible for special services, such as helicopter landing areas
Imposed loads for roofs of category I are given in the other Tables according to the specific use.

EN1991-1-1 Table 6.10 - Imposed loads on roofs of category H
Country Envelopes France Belgium United Kingdom
Roof qk [KN/m2] Qk [kN] qk [KN/m2] Qk [kN] qk [KN/m2] Qk [kN] qk [KN/m2] Qk [kN]
H 0,0 to 1,0 0,9 to 1,5 0,0 to 0,8 1,5 0,2 to 0,8 1,5 0,0 to 0,6 0,9

NOTE 1 For category H ,the recommended values are: qk = 0,4 kN/m2, Qk = 1,0 kN

NOTE 2 qk may be varied by the National Annex dependent upon the roof slope.

NOTE 3 qk may be assumed to act on an area A which may be set by the National Annex. The recommended value for A is 10 m2, within the range of zero to the whole area of the roof (France: 10 m2, Belgium: the area carried by the element, UK: the whole area of the roof).

NOTE 4 See also 3.3.2(1)

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